
In Ready Accounting, payroll services include accurate and timely employee payments, full tax compliance, and detailed reporting.
Note: The actual amount you remit may differ from this estimate. For more information on rounding, please refer to the Employer Toolkit.
All employers must choose one of the following options:
  • Deduct employees’ Paid Leave premiums from their paychecks, OR”
  • Cover some or all of the employees’ share of the Paid Leave premium on their behalf

For paid leave reporting:

Employers are not permitted to collect missed premiums in subsequent pay periods.
Small businesses (under 50 employees) aren’t required to pay the employer portion but must still:
  • Collect employee premiums, OR
  • Pay employee premiums on their behalf
If you are using a voluntary plan for family or medical leave, your calculations may be different.

For WA Cares reporting:

The WA Cares premium rate is 0.58% of each employee’s gross wages, with no Social Security cap. Employees pay the full premium; employers do not contribute.

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